Your Services are No Longer Needed

INJUSTICE – Thursday afternoon on October 13th, Secretary-Treasurer Dennis Hart and President Lou Valletta called Mike Henneberry into their office and told him, “your services are no longer needed.” They issued no warnings, provided no paperwork, and gave no reason. They just fired Mike on the spot.

Mike Henneberry – Recording Secretary

We cannot express our outrage at the hypocrisy of this situation. The two top leaders of our Union, sworn to protect workers and their rights, did exactly what they should be working tooth and nail to protect. They terminated Mike with ZERO justification, ZERO paperwork, and ZERO explanation. 

Why? Because Mike Henneberry is the recording secretary of our slate, Members Rising 853. They terminated Mike as a corrupt last-ditch effort to intimidate our slate into quitting.

But quitting is the last thing we will do. 

This incident, and others like it, is the reason why we are running against Dennis Hart and Lou Valletta. Members Rising 853 believes that the current leadership of Teamsters Local 853 is out of touch with our members and has clearly lost touch with their purpose as YOUR Union’s advocates. 

For years now, Dennis Hart and Lou Valletta have been absentee landlords. They collect their pay but don’t do the job. There is no comprehensive outreach to our members and no engagement. We don’t have regular communications with the members via standard email and text practices or any other basic lines of communication with our members. Rank and file members have become disconnected, uninformed, and disheartened by our leaders’ apathy. 

Think about it. When was the last time Dennis Hart or Lou Valletta showed up at your workplace? Or at a Teamster barbecue or other social event? Our Members deserve much better than this.

That’s why we are running. Members Rising 853 wants to rebuild that connection, gain your confidence and earn your trust. We believe every member deserves a good contract, a good job, and the strong support of their leaders. That means showing up to workplaces, engaging the members, taking their feedback, and doing what’s in the best interest of our Union. We are not afraid to hear the bad with the good, then work together to find a solution.

So help us fight against our misguided and apathetic leadership, and choose Members Rising 853.

Good, ethical, strong leadership is on the ballot looking to rise up Teamsters Local Union 853 in 2023. We are asking you to give us your support in our quest. Help us right this wrong, join our campaign, and spread the word.

In Union

Steve Beck, Steven Lua, and the entire Members Rising 853 Slate.

If you agree that no one should be treated the way Dennis Hart and Lou Valletta treated Mike Henneberry, then we need your help, right now, to put a stop to it.
Please forward this post to every member you know, ask them to sign up to our email and text list below, and learn how the Beck/Lua slate will change things for the better.


126 thoughts on “Your Services are No Longer Needed”

  1. this is a wrongful termination if an employer did this to one of us we would have there neck, lead by example ,and this is a bad example or leadership, is this what we want for our future? I know this for a fact because i have seen it with a bad employee at my work, Steve Beck took ridicule, verbal abuse, but he still fought with all he had for this guy and save his job . he is a fighter, and i trust him and his team will do the same for all of us . vote MEMBERS RISING 853 .

  2. The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt fail me as much as this one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read, but I really thought you would probably have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something that you can fix if you werent too busy searching for attention.

  3. Luar biasa blog ini! 🌟 Saya sangat menyukai bagaimana penulisannya memberikan pemahaman yang baik dalam topik yang dibahas. 👌 Artikelnya menghibur dan mendidik sekaligus. 📖 Tiap artikel membuat saya tambahan rasa ingin tahu untuk menjelajahi konten lainnya. Teruskan pekerjaan hebatnya

  4. Great read! The article is well-researched and insightful. Consider incorporating more visuals in your future articles for a more visually appealing presentation.

  5. Thoroughly enjoyed your article! 😊 The insights are valuable, and adding more visuals in your future pieces could enhance the overall reader experience. 📷

  6. Benar-benar luar biasa! Konten ini sungguh brilian. Penyajiannya sungguh menakjubkan. Dedikasi dan pengetahuan dalam karya ini benar-benar terpancar. Selamat kepada penulis atas penyajian pengalaman yang begitu berharga ini. Saya tak sabar untuk melihat lebih banyak konten seperti ini di masa depan. 👏👏👏

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